Paris-Amsterdam Joint Meeting
on Holography and Black Holes

Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris
5-6 March 2007


Monday 5 09h00-10h30 Petrini Aspects of flux compactifications
11h00-12h30 Paredes (Hot) QCD and bulk/boundary correspondence: an update.
14h00-15h30 Britto Gauge theory scattering amplitudes
Tuesday 6 09h00-10h30 Dabholkar Exact Spectrum of CHL Dyons
11h00-12h30 Verlinde Modularity and the Farey Tail

(last update on March 6, 2007)

[ Schedule | How to get to IHP | Accommodation ]

This activity is sponsored in part by a NWO Van Gogh grant and a Marie Curie Excellence Grant .